1. Decide on your budget and what's most important.
2. Ask each guest in your party what they most want to do while on vacation. These can be your priority. There is no way to see and do everything (depending on where you are visiting or cruising). With each trip our family takes, we find something new. This makes return visits more fun! Don't try to do it all. If you free yourself from this feeling ahead of time, you'll have more fun. Relax, be a kid again, and enjoy the memory making!
3. Remember to take breaks. Don't over do it, and cause yourself to not enjoy the vacation. When you get tired find a place to rest -- take a stroll, enjoy a drive or ride on the area transportation, relax by the pool, or see a show.
4. Ask Jan for help! I'm here to answer your questions, help you with planning, gather information for you, and make sure your reservations are in order.